Breaking News: Proposed RAISE Act Will Alienate, Not Attract Global Talent

Breaking News: Proposed RAISE Act Will Alienate, Not Attract Global Talent By Roujin Mozaffarimehr On August 2nd, Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR) and David Perdue (R-GA) introduced the RAISE Act, a bill supported by the Trump administration that, in part, looks to replace our current employment-based immigration system with a “merit-based” points system that purports to…

Dream Act

Dream Act ImmiCore Law welcomes the relief that would come with the approval and implementation of these bills. However, we remain cautious of their outcomes based upon the current Administration’s conservative stance on immigration. 2017 DREAM ACT The Senate and House each introduced new bills, S. 1615: Dream Act of 2017 and H.R. 3440: Dream…